出生年份: 1962~年
擅 长: 油画
毕业院校: 河南大学
创作年代 | 1999年作 | 尺寸 | 76.2*101.6cm |
材质 | Oil on canvas | 装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 威尼斯系列 Venice Series | |
作品描述 | (私人收藏 Private collection) “我的威尼斯的记忆始于我第一次读莎士比亚的《威尼斯的商人》,从此,威尼斯在我心中就绽开了鲜活的色彩。这里,我试图捕获那迷人的而又令人困惑的形态万千的瞬间:每扇窗户后面的每个人物形象都是生动的,尽管给人以幻觉般的感受。虽然被看不见的装束所挡,我仍能惊异地透过每对眼睛,去感知那超越时空的世界。” "My memories of Venice date back to the first time I read Shakespeare誷, The Merchant of Venice. Since then, Venice has burst into living colors in my heart. Here, I attempt to capture the essence of this bewitching, yet bewildering, transformation: behind every window, each figure is vivid, yet illusory. Concealed by the costume of invisibility, I gaze through each set of eyes to perceive, in amazement, a world that transcends both time and space." |
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