出生年份: 1962~年
擅 长: 油画
毕业院校: 河南大学
创作年代 | 2001年作 | 尺寸 | 152.4*106.68cm |
材质 | oil on canvas | 装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 夏威夷系列 Hawaii Series | |
作品描述 | “虽然作画是一个沉默的过程, 但当我画这幅画时,我清楚地听到了潺潺落水发出的悦耳音调。 我感到惊奇,难道它是来自这个未曾污染的海岛生灵的喃喃低语? 难道它是我们人类未曾损坏的灵魂之歌?我随着音调作画,终于发现自己已身处这最佳的宁静藏身所。” "Although painting is a silent process, as I painted this image, I clearly heard a melody in the gently falling water. Was it the murmur of life from this untainted island, I wondered? Was it the song of the unspoiled soul in all of us? I followed the melody as I worked, and eventually found myself within this scene, a perfect refuge of tranquility." |
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