出生年份: 1962~年
擅 长: 油画
毕业院校: 河南大学
创作年代 | 2004年作 | 尺寸 | 60.96*142.24cm |
材质 | oil on canvas | 装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 地中海系列 Mediterranean Series | |
作品描述 | “在一个极度寒冷的冬夜,我在西藏高原艰难跋涉。我没有找到游牧民的帐篷作为栖身之所,在那里也许我还能借一个小的角落保持温暖。 唯一能保护我免受严寒、抵御风雪的是我那已裂了口的睡袋。 起先,我的体温融化了睡袋下面的冰, 可后来,睡袋却紧紧地冻在了地上。期待并祈祷能在那晚幸免于难,我整夜不停地摩擦着身体。我挣扎着在那漆黑寒冷的无尽长夜保持清醒。我回想记忆中温暖的情形:一次一个藏族男人用又脏又臭的羊皮把我裹起;我们全家围在火堆旁,尤其是我待在妈妈深情而温暖的怀中。在那漫长而痛苦的时刻,我焦急地等待、祈祷,满怀希望地注视着哪怕是最小的一丝金色的阳光的到来。第一道美丽而灿烂的阳光非常微弱地从地平线升起。当太阳升到空中,慢慢地,太阳那洋溢着活力的温暖贯穿我的身体,我还活着。我感觉我已重生! 此刻,我知道我又一次战胜了死亡。 我热泪盈眶,心中涌起无限的深爱……这是对神秘而美丽的生命的爱,这是对光明灿烂的太阳和地球的爱。这经历令人惊异使人清醒让人如此谦卑……这经历告诫我,生命原来是多么宝贵,多么脆弱又多么短暂。我因还活着而感谢上帝!多年以后,在一个阳光灿烂的早晨,我沐浴着美丽而令人心醉的地中海日出,那日出是如此的明亮又如此的温柔,我清晰地回忆起很久很久以前的那个夜晚。时至今日,我仍感到既深沉又深长的爱,这是对太阳,对地球的爱,这是对生命的爱。” “One extremely cold winter night I was trekking through the Tibetan plateau, I failed to find the shelter of a nomads tent where I might borrow a small corner to keep myself warm. The only protection against the bitter cold and snow was my meager, torn, sleeping bag. At first, my body heat melted the ice under the bag, but then, it froze hard against the ground. All night long I kept rubbing my body to keep from freezing to death, hoping and praying that I would just survive through the night. I fought to stay awake through the dark, bitter cold and never-ending night. I thought of memories that were warm……the dirty, smelly sheep skin a Tibetan man once wrapped me in, the fire bucket surrounded by my family members, and especially the loving warmth of my mother’s embrace. Through the long agonizing hours, I anxiously waited, prayed, and watched with hope for even the tiniest golden ray of sunlight to rise. Ever so faintly, the first beautiful, glorious rays of sunlight appeared on the horizon. Gradually, as the sun rose in the sky, the warmth of the sun’s energizing life flowed throughout my body as I became alive; I felt like I was reborn! At that moment, I knew that I had beaten death just one more time. I felt such a deep love well up in my heart that it brought tears to my eyes……a love for the mystery and beauty of life, for the glorious sun and earth. I was so humbled by this amazing and sobering experience……an experience that taught me. |
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