出生年份: 1962~年
擅 长: 油画
毕业院校: 河南大学
创作年代 | 1999年作 | 尺寸 | 76.2*101.6cm |
材质 | Oil on canvas | 装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 威尼斯系列 Venice Series | |
作品描述 | (私人收藏 Private collection) “有时作画时我会想起吹熄生日蜡烛之前的那一刻。岁月在流逝,我继续挥毫作画,过去一些模糊的理想化的心愿进入我的视线……设想你刚从这个角落选择一束鲜花冲去见你的爱人……” "ainting sometimes recalls the moment when I would make a wish before blowing out birthday candles. As years pass by and I continue to wield a brush, the blurred and idealized wishes of the past begin to come into focus...imagine you have just selected a bouquet of fresh flowers at this corner and are rushing to meet your lover wouldn't you, too, share my wish that someday a couple will step over a red-carpeted bridge, and hand-in-hand, walk toward the divine palace?" |
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