出生年份: 1962~年
擅 长: 油画
毕业院校: 河南大学
创作年代 | 2000年作 | 尺寸 | 76.2*101.6cm |
材质 | Oil on canvas | 装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 威尼斯系列 Venice Series | |
作品描述 | (私人收藏 Private collection) “在威尼斯数以百计的桥中,我没能找到两座相同的桥,每座桥都像拨响了我心中不同的琴弦。 这些桥连接了始创于这座城市和文化历史的壮丽迷宫, 连接了我的无限遐想。我欣喜地发现自己迷失在这个角落。在这里,城市的基本元素,包括建筑物、桥梁和这里的人们都被转换成运河上的倒影,在我记忆的微风中激起优美的涟漪。” "Among hundreds of bridges in Venice, I found that none is like any other, and each plucks a different string in my heart. These bridges link the splendid labyrinth created by the city's culture and history, as well as by my imagination. I am delighted to find myself lost at this corner, where the basic elements of the city-the buildings, bridges and people-are transformed into reflections on the canal, rippling gracefully in the breeze of my memory." |
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